
Cavaquinho Groups - National Inventory.

AC Museu Cavaquinho was present in Braga where it attended a meeting of forty cavaquinho groups, part of an initiative from the city for some years now - Braga, the capital of the cavaquinho - where it collected contacts from the participating groups for the update of the National Inventory of Cavaquinho Groups. Photo by Abel Cunha.

Presentation of the book/album 'Rasgar'

The President of the AC Museu Cavaquinho, Júlio Pereira, released his latest album RASGAR with pieces composed for cavaquinho included in a book written by the ethnomusicologist Nuno Cristo. In addition to presenting an unprecedented historiography of the musician's trajectory as a performer, composer, and promoter of the cavaquinho, it constitutes the most recent contribution to an updated understanding of the practice of the cavaquinho in Portugal, in the various versions it has taken on from the 19th century to today.

Commemorative Plaque for Registration at the I.N.P.C.I.

On behalf of ACMC, Júlio Pereira receives from Maria Catarina Coelho - Cultural Heritage - I.P. - the commemorative plaque for the registration in the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the 'Knowledge and traditional practices of cavaquinho construction'.

Assembleia Geral

Após ter sido atempadamente convocada, foi realizada a Assembleia Geral da Associação Cultural e Museu Cavaquinho - no dia 16 de Abril de 2023, pelas 13 horas, na Livraria Ler Devagar, Rua Rodrigues de Faria, n.º 103, 1300-501 Lisboa, com a seguinte Ordem de Trabalhos: 1. Aprovação de contas do exercício de 2022; 2. Orçamento e Plano de Actividades para 2023; 3. Alteração/Adequação dos estatutos aos termos do regulamento interno aprovado em 2022; 4. Outros assuntos. Cada um dos items foi aprovado por unanimidade dos Associados presentes.

Building cavaquinho becomes immaterial cultural heritage

On October 25th, 2022, the Diário da República (Portuguese Republic News Bulletin) - No. 206, Culture, Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage, Announcement no. 229/2022 - Registration of the event «Knowledge and traditional practices of cavaquinho building» in the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage. From now on, the building of Cavaquinho is part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. From now on, the building of Cavaquinho is part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. AC Museu Cavaquinho welcomes this reality and salutes the builders of Cavaquinhos and Braguinhas.

Heritage. Public Consultation

Following the Registration in the National Inventory of Cultural Heritage, the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage (DGPC) has just released the start of the Public Intangible Cultural Consultation process on the draft decision to inscribe the «Traditional Knowledge and Practices of Building Cavaquinho» in the National Heritage Inventory.

Cavaquinho at the World Intellectual Property Organization

The Portuguese Society of Authors was received in audience by Francis Gurry, Director-General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), an agency of the United Nations based in Geneva. In this meeting, where issues of various kinds were discussed, from geopolitical reflections on culture and copyright around the world to the importance and universality of the cavaquinho, particular emphasis was given to the Lusophone project, which is in the process of being realized. In the image, Paula Cunha presents a cavaquinho (apc) to this institution.


Adapting to the changing rules of technology, we have created the new website, now adaptable to different device formats (desktop computers, tablets, mobile phones, etc.). In this site, which we intend to be one of the most complete sites in the world with regard to the practise of a musical instrument, having found all that is related to the practise of the cavaquinho in Portugal: Records, Groups, Publications, Teaching places, Builders/Luthiers, History, Photo Gallery, Posters, Videos, Technique, Chords, Sheet Music and Links.

Registration in the National Inventory of Cultural Heritage

As a result of the protocol signed between ACMC and the DGPC, the AC Museu Cavaquinho has just applied for the registration of “Knowledge and traditional practises in cavaquinho building” in the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage. This representative work of the universe of Builders - and, in accordance to the criteria of geographic representativeness, longevity and generational transmission - was based on the knowledge and practises of several traditional chordophone Builders.

Publication of the Jorge Dias' book - O Cavaquinho (The Cavaquinho)

The study carried out in 1963 by the ethnologist Jorge Dias that was made into a book (bilingual version: Portuguese and English - “The Cavaquinho - Study of the diffusion of a popular musical instrument” was put on sale at FNAC stores and on the Tradisom website. Of the group of friends who accompanied him, Fernando Galhano, Ernesto Veiga de Oliveira, Margot Dias and Benjamim Pereira deserve special mention as they would be at the genesis of the Peninsular Ethnology Centre and the Centre for Cultural Anthropology Studies of the Museum of Ethnology.


The first collective album in Portugal of originals in Cavaquinho and Braguinha. Published May 2022: Tradisom distribution and on sale at FNAC. Coordination: Daniel Pereira Cristo, Graphic design: José Santa Bárbara + João Corvacho + Diogo Riço, Text: Nuno Cristo and Mixture: Hélder Costa. Musicians: Júlio Pereira, Luis Peixoto, Pedro João/Palankalama, Carlos Baptista, Daniel Pereira Cristo, Roberto Moritz/Quarteto Moritz, Paulo Bastos, João Frazão, Renaldo Marques, Paulo Esteireiro, João Vila, Sérgio Mirra and Hélder Costa.

Carlos Paredes Award for "cavaquinho cantado"

On February 23rd, 2018, Daniel Pereira received the Carlos Paredes 2018 award for his album “Cavaquinho Cantado” (Sung Cavaquinho) (second edition of the Associação Museu Cavaquinho) presented by the Municipality of Vila Franca de Xira.

Portugal: first master's thesis on the cavaquinho

ACMC congratulates the musician Paulo Bastos for his master's thesis on the Portuguese Cavaquinho in a Solo Performance at the University of Aveiro (2018) and appreciates his words: "... This can even be proven by my personal case: I decided to go for this master's after witnessing the actions and dynamics of this association..."

Protocol between AC Museu Cavaquinho and Tradisom

Considering the experience of the work carried out on previous albums, AC Museu Cavaquinho signed a collaboration protocol with Tradisom - Produções Culturais, which is, from now on, the exclusive distributor of the works published by our Association.

Exhibition 70 cavaquinhos 70 artists in Pombal

With the support of the Municipality of Pombal, the National Collective Exhibition 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists (2017) was held at the Museum of Portuguese Popular Art and was attended by the Mayor - Mr. Diogo Mateus and the Councillor for Culture - Ms. Ana Gonçalves. The Association is grateful for the support of this Municipality.

Presentation of the book by Jorge Dias at the National Ethnology Museum

The presentation of Jorge Dias' book at the National Museum of Ethnology was a success, with the presence of the Director General of Cultural Heritage, Architect Paula Silva. Presented by Domingos Morais and with addresses by Paulo Costa and Júlio Pereira, the event was filled with some emotion - Jorge Dias was the first director of the Museum of Ethnology - and the recorded voice of Ernesto Veiga de Oliveira was heard, which, decades later, is still is up to date.

Portuguese Society of Authors Award, 2018

The Associação Cultural Museu Cavaquinho received in May 2017 the Pro-Author Award from the Portuguese Society of Authors in recognition of the work developed in favour of authors and culture. At the presentation ceremony, President Júlio Pereira thanked, on behalf of the players and builders, the award that greatly honours the association.

Scientific Advisory Committee

The Cavaquinho Museum has just constituted the Scientific Advisory Committee comprised by the following professors: Manuel Morais - Guest Associate Professor of the Department of Arts and researcher at the Centre for Art History at the Universidade de Évora. Individual member of the Portuguese Music Council (UNESCO). Rui Vieira Nery - Degree in History and PhD in Musicology. Director of the Gulbenkian Education for Culture-Gulbenkian Programme and Associate Professor at the Univ. Nova de Lisboa) and Salwa Castelo-Branco - Full Professor, President of the Department of Musical Sciences -FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, since 1988 and President of the International Council for Traditional Music.

Audience with the President, Mr. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

The President of the Republic received, in audience, the President of the Associação Museu Cavaquinho, Júlio Pereira, who informed him about the Association's activities since its formation, the current panorama of the practise of Cavaquinho playing in the country, future projects and the difficulties of the Association in terms of human resources. The Association is grateful for the kindness of our President in granting his High Sponsorship.

"José Afonso" and "Spa" awards for "Praça do Comércio"

Júlio Pereira's third album (LP and CD Book) entirely performed on the cavaquinho won two awards in 2018: the "Pedro Osório" Award presented by the Portuguese Society of Authors and the "José Afonso" Award, which is in its 30th edition, presented by the Municipality of Amadora.

Exhibition 70 cavaquinhos 70 artists at Santa Maria da Feira

One more Exhibition of 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists, this time at Santa Maria da Feira, in the António Lamoso Theatre (2016) and which was attended by the President of the Municipality, Mr. Emídio Sousa and the Japanese Ambassador, Hiroshi Azuma. The Associação Cultural Museu Cavaquinho is grateful for the support of this Municipality.

240 online models of cavaquinhos and braguinhas

Over these years, the Association got to know more cavaquinho Builders who in the meantime became members. We currently have 32 registered Builders. With the aim of making their work known in Portugal and abroad, the Association now presents 240 different models from these builders that are a source of pride for the country. A must see orchestra - 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists - A unique exhibition to discover in the space for guests of honour of the Montreux Art Gallery - MAG "Portugal" From 4th to 8th November, 2015 at the Montreux Congress Centre (2M2C).

Exhibition of 70 cavaquinhos at the contemporary art salon in Montreux

This is the first exhibition to take place outside Portugal, in Switzerland. Within the scope of the 11th Salon of Contemporary Art in Montreux, Portugal was the guest country of honour. Nuno Simões was the author of the idea. The Association is grateful for the support of the Portuguese Embassy and Consulate in Switzerland as well as the Camões Institute.

Exhibition 70 Cavaquinhos at Funchal. Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias (Baltazar Dias Municipal Theatre)

Another production of the Exhibition 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists (2016), at the Great Hall of the Baltazar Dias Municipal Theatre that was enhanced by the presence of the Education Councillor, Madalena S. Nunes and the Director of the Theatre, Sandra Nóbrega. In June of the same year, ACMC signed a collaboration protocol with the City Council. The Association is grateful for the support given by this Municipality.

ACMC signs protocol with the Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores (Portuguese Society of Authors)

The Cavaquinho museum association signed a collaboration protocol with the SPA - Portuguese Society of Authors aiming at the promotion of the activities and work of our association. Since the beginning of our activities, we have been able to rely on their support.

Workshops on how to approach the cavaquinho

Since 2014, Daniel Pereira has been conducting "workshops" on approaching the cavaquinho. In these workshops, questions arise ranging from the maintenance of the cavaquinho (how to make adjustments to the bridge and nut in order to obtain a more precise tuning of the scale), the type of strings to use for each tuning, the choice of a good instrument and techniques used with the cavaquinho.

Indonesia. Looking for the Keroncong

Júlio Pereira was invited by Director Ivan Dias to make a documentary about the Keroncong, a probable descendant of the Cavaquinho, in Indonesia. They visited Jakarta, Solo, Semarang, Yogyacarta and Sumaccarta where they heard several groups of Keroncong music (style with the same name of the instrument) and visited two Builders, the Universities: Semarang State University and Indonesian Institute of the Arts-Yogyakarta and talked with some Keroncong singers and players.

Exhibition 70 cavaquinhos at Castro Marim

It was with great satisfaction that the Association received the invitation from the Municipality of Castro Marim to hold the Exhibition 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists (to date there is no trace of the practise of Cavaquinho playing in this town) which as was attended by the Mayor, Mr. Francisco Amaral and the Councillor for Culture, Ms. Filomena Sintra. It was open to the public at Casa do Sal (Salt House) (2015). The Cavaquinho Association Museum is grateful for the support given by this Municipality.

Portuguese-Indonesian Kerocong

Professor Manuel Morais is finishing a Keroncong (TAK model) that Júlio Pereira brought from Indonesia and that had been started by the Builder Bambang Wisnu from Yogyacarta.

National Inventory of cavaquinho bands

Most of these groups - the majority - are groups created by Schools, Associations and Senior Universities. Thus, the Association requested the collaboration of the Municipalities in order to carry out this important Inventory. In the photo: Mr. Gonçalo Sampaio's Cavaquinho Band

Edition of the book by Jorge Dias - The Cavaquinho

The Cavaquinho Museum invited the musicologist Domingos Morais to coordinate the collection and organization of scattered material that complements and illustrates Jorge Dias' study (published in Ethnography Review Nº16 of the Museum of Ethnography and History), with a view to its enriched book edition. Jorge Dias (1907-1973) received a PhD in Ethnology from the University of Munich in 1944. He was Director of the Ethnography Section of the Centre for the Study of Peninsular Ethnology.

Protocol with the Museum of Ethnology, Lisbon

The director at the time of the Museum of Ethnology Mr. Joaquim Pais de Brito and Júlio Pereira - representing AC Museu Cavaquinho - sign a cooperation protocol. The Museum of Ethnology is a privileged space to work with the Cavaquinho due to its collection of documentation and its own collection of Cavaquinhos.

Exhibition 70 cavaquinhos 70 artists at Barcelos

The Exhibition 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists was held in Barcelos - in the Gothic Hall of the Town Hall - from August 18th to September 6th (2015) and was attended by the Councillor for Culture, Ms. Elisa Braga. The exhibition in this town had more than 2000 visits. The Cavaquinho Association Museum is grateful for the support given by this Municipality.

Guinness record of cavaquinhos

On the day that for the first time - 2016 - the Cavaquinho entered the Guinness Book of Records with 501 players - at Cernache, district of Coimbra - a deed carried out by the GAIC college, under the direction of Rui Luís Pinto. AC Museu Cavaquinho was represented by Júlio Pereira who presented and had the CD by Amadeu Magalhães played. This same school repeated the feat in 2017, this time with 840 cavaquinhos.

Exhibition 70 cavaquinhos at Guimarães

Another Exhibition of 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists, this time in Guimarães at the Centro Cultural Vila Flor (Vila Flor Cultural Centre). It was open to the public from 1st to16th August (2015). The Associação Museu Cavaquinho is grateful for the support given by this Municipality.

Protocolo com o município de Viana do Castelo e Expo 70 cavaquinhoss

The Exhibition 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists was inaugurated on July 3rd, 2015 at the Costume Museum in Viana do Castelo with the presence of the Mayor - Mr. José Maria Costa and the Councillor for Culture - Ms. Maria José Guerreiro. On that day, a collaboration protocol was signed between the Associação Museu Cavaquinho and this Municipality. We are grateful for the support provide for the Exhibition itself.

Presentation of the first CD edited by ACMC

In June 2015, the first discographic edition of AC Museu Cavaquinho was presented: "O Cavaquinho do Amadeu"(Amadeu's Cavaquinho) by Amadeu Magalhães. It was attended by Manuel Rocha (Director of the Conservatory of Coimbra), Júlio Pereira, João Luís Oliva and the author himself who showcased his presentation.

Protocol with the Municipality of Braga

In the photo, the President of the Association - Júlio Pereira - and the President of the City Council of Braga - Mr. Ricardo Rio - sign a cooperation protocol that aims to support the survey of the cavaquinho universe (builders, players and teaching places) in this district. This Municipality had already provided support by holding of the Exhibition 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists.

Protocol with the Municipality of Coimbra and Exhibition of 70 cavaquinhos

In 2015, on the opening day of the Exhibition 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists in the City Hall. (In the photo, on the left, the President of the Municipality of Coimbra - Mr. Manuel Machado and the Councillor for Culture - Ms. Carina Gomes). On the same day, the cooperation protocol was signed with Coimbra City Council. The AC Museu Cavaquinho is grateful for the support given by this Municipality to the Exhibition and to the events carried out within the scope of the practise of the cavaquinho.

Lisbon Cavaquinho at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts - Boston

The Boston Museum of Fine Arts, through its Director Darcy Kuronen, sent the Cavaquinho Museum the plans and photographs corresponding to a cavaquinho, made in Lisbon, on the second half of the 19th century by Jerónimo José dos Santos. The Cavaquinho Museum provided these documents to the builder Óscar Cardoso so that he could build a replica of this model.

Protocol with the DGPC

In the presence of the Secretary of State for Culture, a protocol was signed between the AC Museu Cavaquinho, represented by its President Júlio Pereira, and the DGPC, represented by its General Director, Mr. Nuno Vassallo e Silva. As a result of the protocol, the research project has already started with a view to registering the "knowledge and techniques in the building of Cavaquinhos" in the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

1st Discographic Edition of AC Museu Cavaquinho

"O Cavaquinho do Amadeu", , by Amadeu Magalhães, is the first in a series of original music CDs that ACMC will edit with the best Cavaquinho players in the country.
It is an initiative that aims to make music more dynamic and thus contribute — through the dynamic created by the followers of these performers — to preserving the practise of the instrument.
The CD comes with a libretto — bilingual — with a text by João Luís Oliva, which contextualizes the history of the Cavaquinho in Coimbra.

Partnership AC Museu Cavaquinho - “Público” newspaper

This edition, for free national distribution, was designed with the purpose of reaching out to locals and readers with a particular interest in cultural content.
Half of the newspaper is the responsibility of the Público newspaper — only with content related to culture — and the other half is the responsibility of the Cavaquinho Museum, which, in this way, publishes some news and activities of the Association. Cover by Paula Bouças.

Protocol with the University of Aveiro

From April of this year, the President of the Cavaquinho Museum has been traveling to Aveiro, where he has been meeting with the Rector of the University, Professor Manuel Assunção, and with heads of several of its Departments, who are also involved in drawing up a protocol aimed at creating new platforms for promoting the Cavaquinho.

ACMC signs protocol with the GDA-Gestão dos direitos dos artistas (Artists rights management)

The Associação Cultural Museu Cavaquinho has signed a collaboration protocol with the GDA - Management of Artists' Rights and is thankful for the words of its President, Pedro Wallenstein:"... As an entity for the collective management of artists' rights, we cannot fail to recognize and support the activity of the Cavaquinho Cultural Association…"

Exhibition 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists at Braga

Braga was the second city where the National and Itinerant Collective Exhibition 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists took place, inaugurated on the 15th January, 2015 in the Main Hall of Theatro-Circo, which was attended by the Mayor - Mr. Ricardo Rio and the Councillor for Culture Ms. Cristina Palhares. The Associação Museu Cavaquinho is grateful for the support given by this Municipality.

Book/Catalogue of the 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists Exhibition

The great quality of the works produced ended up highlighting the need to produce an Art Book, which the Cavaquinho Museum Association has meanwhile created, replicating the title of the Exhibition and reporting all the works and respective authors. Photography by José Manuel Costa Alves and design by Salomé Nascimento.

Meeting with Salwa Castelo-Branco

The President of ACMC, Júlio Pereira, met with Dr Salwa Castelo-Branco - president of INET - Institute of Ethnomusicology / Centre for Studies in Music and Dance - to discuss the steps to be taken in the ethnomusicological investigation of the Cavaquinho with a view to drawing up a protocol between the Cavaquinho Museum and INET.

Exhibition 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists

At the Jerónimos Monastery, in Lisbon, on November 27th, 2014, the national and itinerant collective exhibition - 70 Cavaquinhos 70 Artists, produced by the Cavaquinho Museum, was inaugurated. It was open to the public for five weeks and had 43,000 visits. All information is available on this page of the Associação Cultural Museu Cavaquinho which is grateful for the support given by the Lisbon City Council and DGPC

The cavaquinho in the Azores. A study by Nuno Cristo

Given the scarcity of information about the cavaquinho universe in the Azores, we asked Nuno Cristo - an ethnomusicologist - to carry out a study on this matter. Thus, in 2016, the Association published online a preliminary social-cultural study on the Cavaquinho in the Azores.

Presentation of the AC Museu Cavaquinho and its official site at the CCB (Belém Cultural Centre, Lisbon)

The presentation was hosted by Júlio Pereira and was attended by Salwa Castelo-Branco, Rui Vieira Nery and João Luís Oliva. "The important thing about this site is that it is the first major systematic effort to collect information about this family of instruments, not only on a Portuguese scale, but on an international scale, i.e., there is a lot of work disseminated, localized, done on each of the traditions instrument in each of the places where it evolved, but this is the first time that there is a coordinated effort that seeks to cross this information..." Rui Vieira Nery.

Portuguese Builders Inventory

It was the first major task undertaken by the Association: the National Inventory of Cavaquinho Builders. Traveling to various parts of the country to meet the workshops resulted in the development of a database, along with photographic records of the cavaquinho models created by them. Thousands of photos were taken and, soon, more than two hundred different models of Cavaquinhos and Braguinhas will be available on the Association's website!

Protocol with the Lisbon Municipality

The first Municipality to sign a protocol with AC Museu Cavaquinho was Lisbon (represented by the councillor for Culture, Ms. Catarina Vaz Pinto). With this protocol, the Municipality of Lisbon will support the Association's work in surveying the universe of Cavaquinho Practice in this district (builders, teaching places, players).